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ExperiencesExperiences Eet Mee

Carla – home-grown green beans

I was able to join a nice young family for dinner. It was also their first time participatingin Eet Mee and they made a lot of effort for me and another participant.

Vegetables from their own garden were served up in ‘the Sunday dishes’, which were never used otherwise, according to the hostess. That made it really special. The green beans reminded me of how they tasted in my youth: nice and full and thick. We had onion soup for starters and home-made rhubarb preserve for dessert. It was a delicious and very sociablemeal! It is precisely the difference in age and stages of life that make these kinds of encounters so interesting. And also it’s really nice to see how these young people enjoy growing their own vegetables.

I was glad I had brought something for my friendly hosts: a bottle of wine to accompany the meal and chocolates to go with the coffee. It was a very nice experience and great to be able to meet people in this way. I hope to be able to participate again soon!